KJV Bible Store

Since 2019

We are rated 5 stars!

Rated 5.0/5.0 stars with almost 300 reviews on Shopee since 2020.

Connection Matters

We're blessed to have founded The KJV Bible Store. It all started with a desire to help Baptist Church Members get their hands on excellent King James Bibles at fair prices. In the early days of our ministry, we have served members who found it challenging to purchase their own Bibles, particularly those living in far-flung areas, by linking them to members with access to Bibles locally and overseas. We're optimistic that our work has helped spread God's word and brought people closer to their faith.

Distribution Matters

We confidently believe that God has entrusted us with His precious Word, which we can still access today through the King James Bible. However, there is a concerning trend of limited availability of this version in local bookstores due to the influx of newer translations. This raises the possibility of increased prices which makes it even more challenging for members to access the very Word of God.